There has been a lot of discussion about Business Process Management (BPM) and how it can be implemented in an organization to complete the process of digital transformation in a company.
The reasons why an organization should embrace BPM are innumerable: increasing productivity and agility of the company, reducing errors in policy compliance and mitigating operational risk, sustaining continual improvement, to mention a few.
BPM is not a onetime activity but rather an ongoing initiative that you need to keep doing. It is not certainly an automated repetitive workflow that can be left right there.
It is an ongoing process that churns out continuous improvement for the organization. The question that arises, where and when you can conclude that the implementation of BPM is successful or not. Read on to find out.
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Process Performance Metrics and KPIs
Measuring the success of a strategy is necessary to monitor and assess the strategy’s execution.
To know whether the implementation of strategic initiatives like BPM is successful or not, you need to measure different aspects of the operations.
You need to set those key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly impact the strategic objectives and related perspective – being it financial, client, process, and learning and growth.
For example, how long does it to complete a process or an activity in the process. Was the execution time withing set SLA? Was the number of transactions undertaken per working day/hour as per set goal?
There is a tendency of mixing day-to-day operational level objectives and KPIs with strategic objectives that are concerned with high-level strategic direction of the organization which are monitored on monthly or quarterly bases.
In addition, there is a trend of focusing on financial objectives and KPIs only which, as many case studies demonstrate, tend to have short-term rewards but very negative medium to long-term challenges.
Read Also | Why BPM initiatives are needed today more than ever before!
The Real Measure to Know the Initiative is Successful
Implementing BPM to automate work is the fundamental step of the initiative to manage time and resources more efficiently.
But this is not all. The main aim of automation as well as the digital transformation process is saving time and cost for the company while making the organization more employee and customer centric.
Increasing revenue and saving costs can be an indicator of success but the goal is much bigger than that.
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The right measure of success of BPM is to make the organization quickly adaptable while ensuring enhanced service and experience to the end customers along with better interactions of them with the front-line employees.
To conclude, one must not forget that the employees are the inside customer of the BPM. And to measure its success the organization needs to focus on whether the initiative is helping them to work faster and make life easier.
Ensuring substantial growth for the organization while offering employees as well as customers enhanced experience is what the ultimate goal of implementing BPM initiatives.
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